


When Grinnell College framed its charter in the Iowa Territory of the United States in 1846, it set forth a mission to educate its students "for the different professions and for the honorable discharge of the duties of life." The College pursues that mission by providing an education in the liberal arts through free inquiry and the open exchange of ideas. 作为一个教学和学习社区, the College holds that knowledge is a good to be pursued both for its own sake and for the intellectual, 道德, and physical well-being of individuals and of society at large. The College exists to provide a lively academic community of students and teachers of high scholarly qualifications from diverse social and cultural circumstances. The College aims to graduate individuals who can think clearly, 谁能说和写得有说服力,甚至雄辩, 谁能批判性地评价自己和他人的想法, 谁能获得新知识, and who are prepared in life and work to use their knowledge and their abilities to serve the common good.


  • 两个学生一起在电脑前工作


    • Varied forms of learning, in and out of the classroom and beyond the campus.
    • Creative and critical thinking stimulated by the free, open exchange of ideas.
    • 反思自身过程的教育.
    • 优秀的教学作为教师的最高优先级.
    • 在传统和跨学科领域积极开展学术研究.
    • Need-blind admission of students with strong academic potential.
  • MAC场地上的学生群


    • 形形色色的人和观点.
    • A residential campus in a setting that promotes close interactions.
    • Personal, egalitarian, and respectful interactions among all members of the college community.
    • Meeting full demonstrated financial-aid need of admitted and continuing students.
    • Support for professional well-being of all whose work contributes to the college.
  • 学生在小溪里采集水样


    • 我们强烈的社会责任感和行动传统.
    • Our strong tradition of self-governance and personal responsibility.
    • Learning from and communicating with the world beyond the campus.
    • Life-long connections that support friendship, work, and learning.
    • Continuing to build institutional strength for educating tomorrow's students.


Grinnell College's mission is to provide "an education in the liberal arts through free inquiry and the open exchange of ideas." Free inquiry and open exchange require exposure to a diversity of perspectives and respectful engagement with those perspectives across our differences. 事实上, such engagement is vital for an intellectual community committed to the production and sharing of knowledge.  This requires providing a learning environment that is both tolerant of disagreement and committed to civil dialogue that respectfully embraces our shared humanity. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台必须支持和鼓励言论和表达自由, while creating an environment free from harassment and discrimination. As we endeavor to balance these multiple responsibilities, several principles guide us:

  • 学生,教师,工作人员聚集在市政厅会议


    因为我们重视人员和观点的多样性, our campus environment must be an inclusive space that cultivates both critical thinking and dialogue across difference. 因为教育和学习是我们关注的焦点, we must be willing to tolerate the discomfort of having our views respectfully challenged. We must also be willing to confidently share our own perspectives without stifling the rights of others to do so. Inclusive teaching practices and effective communication skills are essential to creating a positive learning environment for our students.

  • 学生们举着“更多文化,更少冲击”的游行横幅


    Freedom of speech and 言论自由 are rights protected by the U.S. Constitution, and these rights belong to all domestic and international Grinnellians. The College has a responsibility to respect these rights but may establish rules governing the time, 的地方, 说话的方式, 表达式, 和抗议. The College is also responsible for dealing with those who engage in behaviors that infringe upon the rights of others. Behaviors designed to intimidate or hinder others from accessing the benefits provided by the College are strictly prohibited. Harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary outcomes and/or legal consequences.

  • 学生向老师展示研究海报


    学术自由支持探究和交流的自由, a fundamental value of the educational enterprise and our institutional mission. 除了宪法对言论自由的保护, Grinnell College faculty members are entitled to academic freedom in their teaching, 研究, 和发布, 如教员手册中所定义. This entitlement comes with the duty to maintain professional ethics and uphold College policies against discrimination and harassment.

总之, Grinnell College endeavors to balance multiple responsibilities as we prioritize student learning and serving the common good. 这些责任包括提供一个活泼的, 严格的, educational experience that supports diversity as a core value, upholding the parallel and complementary ideals of freedom of speech, 言论自由, 以及学术自由, and protecting our community members from harassment and discrimination.

The policies which implement these principles include but are not limited to:

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